After two successful international events in Asia and America, the #MarineData4Africa event will cater to users of ocean and coastal data working in Africa. Through this event, the Copernicus Marine Service aims to engage with the marine communities in Africa, and share its global ocean data products and knowledge that can be used to support sustainable blue economies and ocean conservation in Africa. It will gather scientists, industry communities and the policy makers, and the general public working on the Africa continent. Find out more here.
Dive into the Copernicus Marine Service: The webinar
This webinar is an opportunity to present the Copernicus Marine Service offer to organizations located in Africa working in the marine sector. Lecturers will give operational information, including an introduction to the Copernicus Marine Service, the website – all you need to access data, a live demo of the MyOcean viewer and Use cases testimonies. The agenda is available here. To register to the webinar, please visit here.
“Let’s go further with the Copernicus Marine Data”: The training workshop
The training workshop is composed by 2 live appointments over 2 successive days: a products session and a demo session.
The products sessions is dedicated to the introduction of the global products provided by the Copernicus Marine Service:insitu & satellite observation products and model products.
All participants of the workshop and users of the service, will have access to the original E-learning material focused on the Africa continent and developed by the experts, like Jupyter Notebooks or tutorial videos.
The demo session is dedicated to beginners who want to take their first steps with a new environment like a JupyterLab or with new tools like GIS tool, Panoply or SNAP…
To register for the workshop, please visit here.